Internal Comms.

drive productivity, engagement, and employee retention.

When companies don’t invest in good internal communication, things can go downhill fast. Leaders often push info down without really listening to what employees need, which limits real engagement. As businesses grow, especially with remote teams, this problem gets worse—teams become isolated, and employees feel disconnected from what’s happening. This lack of connection can hurt collaboration, lead to disengagement, and even increase turnover. In the end, poor communication doesn’t just hurt morale; it can also seriously impact productivity and the company’s bottom line.

For executive leaders, the problem is hard to resource. Internal comms often sits between HR and marketing and for many companies, does not require a full-time role.



Our Internal Communications solution provides companies with a cost-effective way using a fractional expert to establish and run a streamlined internal communications function. It enables the execution of a simple communication strategy, which includes regular one-way messaging for sharing important company updates, as well as two-way channels for gathering feedback and responding to employee input.


We first assess your current internal communications to identify strengths and areas for improvement. We define the target audience, focusing on their specific needs, interests, and challenges to create tailored content. We set clear goals and KPIs to align the communications strategy with your business objectives. We choose the right communication channels to keep employees engaged and informed. We then create a structured communication calendar to ensure regular, timely messaging. We measure progress using KPIs and metrics, making adjustments as needed to stay aligned with organizational changes.


  • This service works best for customers looking to build their own internal comms program and need an expert to review strategy and answer questions based off their industry expertise.

    Duration: Month to Month
    Price: $500 Per Month

  • This service works best for customers who have their own teams to build their internal comms solution, but would like an outside expert to provide an unbiased view of the situation. The assessment takes 2 -3 weeks and we'll deliver an analysis (SWOT, Scorecard, or Gap Analysis) along with an implementation plan that includes tasks, budget, and timing.

    Duration: 2 - 3 Weeks
    Price: $4,000

  • This service works best for customers who may not have the resources internally to build an internal comms solution and need a fractional expert to come in for a few months to build and launch the process. Once completed, the fractional expert will enable and train your team to take over and manage the process.

    Duration: 3 Months
    Cost: $5K - $8K per month (depending on company size and # of employees).

  • This service works best for organizations who hired FractionX to perform an implementation of internal comms solutions and would like to retain the fractional expert on a quarterly basis to oversee the development and execution of their internal comms programs.

    Duration: Quarter to Quarter
    Cost: $10K - $15K per quarter (depending on company size and # of employees)


Give us 25 minutes and we’ll get you a proposal.