IT Security Framework - Advisor(X)

$15,000.00 every 3 months for 1 year

This service works best for customers who completed the Implementation(X) program and they would like an expert to continue monitoring and improving on IT security initiatives.

Hire Darren

This service works best for customers who completed the Implementation(X) program and they would like an expert to continue monitoring and improving on IT security initiatives.

This service works best for customers who completed the Implementation(X) program and they would like an expert to continue monitoring and improving on IT security initiatives.

Fee Type: Subscription
Term: Quarter to Quarter
Subscription Duration: 12 Months
Fee: $15,000 Per Quarter ($5,000 Per Month)
Total Fee: $60,000 Per Year
Cancellation: You may login and cancel your subscription at any time. Your subscription will not renew on the next quarterly billing cycle.

Statement of Work

  • Implement up to 5 additional IT policies per quarter

  • Review existing policies update all documentation (policy, RACI, SOP) according to changing business needs

  • Develop and deliver the training required to Customer IT teams to effectively implement the SOPs

  • Observe and QA the execution of the SOPs to ensure they comply with the requirements for proof of implementation for audits


By purchasing this solution, you agree to the FractionX Master Services Agreement.