Social Selling - Advisor(X)

$15,000.00 every 3 months for 1 year

This service works best for customers who completed the Implementation(X) program and they would like an expert to continue mentoring sales reps on their social selling strategy .

Hire Annabel

This service works best for customers who completed the Implementation(X) program and they would like an expert to continue mentoring sales reps on their social selling strategy .

This service works best for customers who completed the Implementation(X) program and they would like an expert to continue mentoring sales reps on their social selling strategy .

Fee Type: Subscription
Term: Quarter to Quarter
Subscription Duration: 12 Months
Fee $15,000 Per Quarter
Total Fee: $60,000 Per Year
Cancellation: You may login and cancel your subscription at any time. Your subscription will not renew on the next quarterly billing cycle.

Statement of Work

  • Provide up to sixteen (16) one hour coaching sessions with up to 4 sales team members

  • Work with each sales team member to improve their reach and help them produce content

  • Establish and measure growth goals for each team member 


By purchasing this solution, you agree to the FractionX Master Services Agreement.