Social Selling - Assessment(X)


This service works best for customers who need a social selling expert to assess and score whether their LinkedIn sales activity effectively engages the right prospects.

Order My Assessment

This service works best for customers who need a social selling expert to assess and score whether their LinkedIn sales activity effectively engages the right prospects.

This service works best for customers who need a social selling expert to assess and score whether their LinkedIn sales activity effectively engages the right prospects.

Fee Type: One Time
Term: N/A
Duration: 3 Weeks
Fee $5,000
Total Fee: $5,000
Cancellation: N/A

Statement of Work

  • Review customer ideal customer profile (β€œICP”) and buying personas

  • Conduct initial assessment of corporate and individual team member LinkedIn presence and usage of Sales Navigator

  • Analyze LinkedIn engagement of up to 5 prospective companies and buyers

  • Establish baseline and target activity, engagement,and connection metrics

  • Develop and deliver a scorecard on activity, engagement, and  between you and your prospects with high level social selling strategy and next steps


By purchasing this solution, you agree to the FractionX Master Services Agreement.